How to Triple boot your PC or Notebook with Windows 7, Mac OS X Lion and Ubuntu 12.04

The following post is shares the experience of  Triple booting a PC or Notebook with Windows 7, Apple Mac OS X Lion 's hacked version iAtkos L2 and Ubuntu 12.04.


a) The multiboot systems can only be installed over the Basic disks not over Dynamic disks. If you have dynamic disk you will have to convert it to basic which can only be done by reformatting all the disks and which would risk of losing your data.

 b) You will need to create 3 different partitions of size 15-20 GB for each of these OSs. For windows and MAC OS Lion you need to create primary partition. Ubuntu can be installed on both either primary or logical partition.

1. Install Windows Prior to other Operating Systems ....

Whenever you want to make your system multi boot with Windows Operating Systems First of all you need to install Windows as the very first operating system because whenever you install windows it takes over control of MBR (Master Boot Record) and removes the boot settings of other operating systems.It only supports the multibooting with other Windows Operating Systems even those only in case if you install them in chronological order such as Windows 7 after the  Windows XP. If you install windows XP after Windows 7 you are not able to boot into windows 7. This is because the Boot technique used in Windows 7 is different from that of used in Windows XP and Windows XP cannot recognize it if installed after windows 7.So whenever you want to install multiple OSs in your system with Windows install Windows first of all.

However Now a days all the PCs or Notebooks comes with Pre installed Windows. So you do not need to re-install it if you already have it on your system. It is the Most usually used OS and assuming that you already would have on your system and you know how to install it we move further to other Operating Systems.

2. Installing iAtkos L2 A Hacked version of Mac OS X Lion...

IAtkos L2 is a hacked version of the Mac OS X Lion which is developed to be installed on  non Apple PC's and Notebooks as the Retail version of Mac OS X lion can not be directly installed on Non Apple PCs and Notebooks. You can read about it and the instructions how to install it in following post :


 Once you have installed IAtkos successfully the chemeleon bootloader will take control of the booting process. It will show the partitions on the startup and you can choose the partition you want to boot from.

3. Installing Ubuntu 12.04 ...

     After you have installed MAC OS l\Lion the ubuntu can be installed normally. You can install iton either primary or logical partition .You can create a partition before starting the installation or at the time of installation. It is recommended to create a partition before starting an installation . You will need a partition either primary or logical of size 15-20 GB for ubuntu files installation and a partition of size of your wish (I choose only 1 GB) that the ubuntu will use as swap area.You can use some partition manager to partition your hard disk. I used EaseUS partition manger home addition which you can download from here. Now use this tool to re-size your partitions to make some extra room to create a 15-20 GB partition and a 1-2 GB partition. After creating some room select the unallocated space and create a primary or logical partition of 15-20 GB and format and another of 1-2 GB. You can let it remain unformatted.You can give it a label so that it is easy to identify it later.

Now to install Ubuntu you need to follow the following steps:

 1. If you have not done so already, burn the installation image (of Ubuntu 12.04) you downloaded to a CD or transfer it to a USB stick, and boot the computer from it. When booted from the CD, you will be given the option to boot into a Live Desktop or start the installation without visiting the Live Desktop. It does not matter which option you choose,install Ubuntu is recommended.

2.When the installation gets started installer gets you to the step shown in the image below. The most important information here is the minimum disk space (4.4 GB) recommended for a successful installation of Ubuntu 12.04. That piece of information will help you determine how much disk space to allocate to the root partition.You can select the "Download update while installing " if you have an internet connection and want to install the updates while installation otherwise you can stay it remain unmarked.You can tick on "Install third party software" if you want to install the third party software.It is recommended to put tick on it.

3.Clicking Continue from the previous step will land you here. If, as in this example, you have Windows 7 installed on the target hard drive, you should see the same three options shown here. Because you will be creating partitions manually, the option you want to select is Something else.

4.That should bring you to the Advanced disk partitioning tool that helps you to partition your disk for Ubuntu and select the partitions for Ubuntu system and swap area.It is recommended that you partition your hard disk explicitly with some partition tool in Windows before starting the installation with some partition manager so that in this step you don't need to partition your disk and just select partitions for certain areas.

Now if you have already have created two free partitions one for system files (15-20GB) installation and one for the swap area.( 1-2 GB). Now select the partition you have created for sytem files place a tick on format and click on change and change its mount point to root or '/'.
After that select the other partition and click on change and change the mount point to swap.

5. Now the most important part is to select the device for boot loader installation. Do not select /dev/sda for boot installation if you want chameleon to be default boot loader.Otherwise the grub would take over the boot process.

You have to select the partition which you choose for root installation as a device for boot installation. This would install the grub (grand universal bootloader) on the root partition not at MBR. So the bootloader will remain chameleon and grub will start when u select the linux partition in the chameleon boot menu.

6.Next click on install now and the installation will start. You can set user name password,time zone etc as the installation is on the way.When the installation is complete you will have a triple boot PC or Notebook.
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